The Importance of a LinkedIn Banner - Why it's Essential to Have a Professional Looking Background photo

Your LinkedIn profile speaks for you. It tells your professional story, comprising your personality, values, and milestones.

Banners are an important part of the ad campaigns because they are what people see in their browser when they search for something on Google or Bing. Banners will let your company be seen by millions of people who are looking for your service or product all over the world.

Why LinkedIn Banner is important ?

Adding a background photo to your profile make your professional story more visually appealing. It also helps you stand out on LinkedIn to recruiters, future employers, prospective clients, and other members. Having a professional LinkedIn banner that communicates your message clearly can help you attract more connections and more business. You need to make sure that it is engaging and makes sense for your industry.

How to Design a Professional LinkedIn Banner in 4 Steps

Step 1: Define the Goal of the LinkedIn Banner Design

The goal of the banner is to increase engagement with the LinkedIn account holders. So the aim is to find what entices people to click on it.

We should try and focus on enticement. It would be best if we chose something that would make people want to click on it rather than think about clicking on it. For example, if we chose a picture of someone's smiling face that would make someone want to click on it, while a picture of someone's face with an angry expression might not be as appealing and more difficult to decipher.

Step 2: Collect Inspiration from the Web

Collecting inspiration from outside sources is a key to being a successful copywriter. This is especially true for those writers who have to create content for clients on a regular basis. They need to be knowledgeable about what is going on in the world, even if it does not have anything to do with their niche or industry.

One of the best ways to find inspiration is by browsing the web and checking out what’s trending on social media. Companies like Hootsuite provide tools that can help you stay updated with all kinds of changes in your industry.

There are many online resources that can help you find the right words for your project when you're stuck for ideas, this includes

- News

- Blogs

- Social Media Posts

- Google

Step 3: Gather Your Design Resources

The templates should be simple enough so that they can be customized easily with just a few clicks. The content writer should not have to worry about coding or image editing, which is why designing images in Photoshop or Illustrator is usually preferred over using other design software.

The templates must also take into account the various devices that might be viewing it, including desktops, tablets, and phones. To ensure the best experience across all platforms, designers will take care of making sure responsive code is used in order to make the email template scalable for any screen size.

Step 4: Create and Upload Your Banner!

This tutorial will guide you through creating and uploading your banner to make it live.

Here are some ideas to consider when choosing a background photo:

  1. Select a photo or quote that captures your personality.
  2. Add a photo that captures some memorable moments of your team.
  3. Choose a photo that highlights a special milestone in your career.
  4. Learn more about making your photo look more professional with our filters and how you can add or change your background photo.

Keep these tips in mind when creating your next Social Media Profile

The importance of creating a social media profile is to show your personality and expertise in your field.

It is important to keep the following points in mind when creating your profile:

1) Keep it focused on you, not what others are doing. 
2) Make sure you are using the right channels for your audience. 
3) Don't forget about mobile! 
4) Make it easy to find you again by including a link to your website or email address on every post.

This article may help you Designing A LinkedIn Banner Easily and Free >>>